Portable Garage Galleries

Don’t have space for a work area? Our Portable Garages make the ideal workshop, whether for vehicle storage, fixing a motorcycle, or working on projects. We make Portable Garages that can expand the capabilities of your property without breaking the bank. We have two styles: the Traditional Portable Garage and the High Barn Portable Garage. Either one is an excellent choice for a place where projects can get done. Imagine the possibilities as you browse our gallery below, or start designing your own with our 3D Builder.

Two Styles of Portable Garages

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Portable Garage

The standard garage is the perfect garage shed for you! The Garage is a simple and highly functioning vehicle storage solution. You can get your garage with several interior storage options like shelves and benches. Add insulation, and you have the ultimate garage shed for your vehicle.

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High Barn Portable Garage

The High Barn Garage is very similar to the High Barn Shed. This garage has all the good features of the regular garage but has even more storage. The High Barn Garage features more overhead space so you can store your possessions safely and out of the way. We can add extra shelves, doors, and windows or add insulation for the ultimate single-car garage.

If you already have a garage, you may be looking for another type of building. We have several charming studio sheds, including the Classic Studio, Backyard Studio, and Southwest Studio. On top of that, we also offer High Barns and Garden Sheds. Whatever the need is, we have a building that will work for you!